Siljasified YCH for rumbaler
In this art you will see Silja in her serpentine form hypnotize rumbaler’s oc by holding her tight
“Ah… you don’t need to be afraid!”
“Silja is so excited! She can’t wait to share herself with you…”
And she proceeded to rip half of her goo face and place it on rumbaler’s oc face. Which make it slowly goop over her entire face. And slowly her entire body.
“Hm.. silja is happy that you’re less tense, Friend. Silja think you’re going to love what silja is offering!”
“Let’s open our mind and we shall connected and be one with another”
“Wonderful… silja can see your mind clearly. Silja will help you reach your full potential friend.”
When her entire body have been corrupted by silja, She hug and hold her ‘friend’.
“Feeling positively divine yes?”
“Look at you now… perfected and evolved”
“Don’t worry, Silja offer eternal bless under her care”